Thank You.

“From the bottom of my heart I wish to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of the performers, students, faculty, vendors, staff, and organizers of Electrowave.”

The Inaugural Electrowave Rocky Mountain Electronic Music Festival was successful beyond my imagination in no small part thanks to the members of the Colorado Modular Synth Society (CMSS). Everyone who performed knocked it out of the park and I was very proud of how CMSS was presented at the festival. 
It’s been a dream of mine to host an electronic music festival in Colorado Springs and when I dropped the idea on Professor Jon Forshee of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (UCCS) he agreed that it would be awesome. Once we got approval we ran with the idea and it just kept growing with all of the support from the university faculty and students, and with the local and national members of CMSS.
I did not believe we were going to get Sarah Belle Reid as our guest artist. She was the first person I thought of to feature at the festival as she seemed to perfectly fit the intersection between research and the electronic music community. I’m thankful that Glen Whitehead (UCCS Visual and Performing Arts department chair) is a fan of Sarah’s and was able to secure the funding to bring her out. Sarah’s performance at the Saturday night concert was mind blowing.
I’m grateful that Metamyther made the trek out here from New York. His performance at the festival and at the after party were awesome, and I hear his lecture (which I sadly missed) blew the attendee’s minds with what was possible in Ableton.
Thank you to Nireus for being the festival closing act. I selfishly wanted you to come out to perform as I wanted to see you live and share you with our local community. You were amazing, and I had tears of joy in my eyes by the end of the performance.
Thank you to Chris and Lucas for your massive support with the audio. You both took the festival to the next level and especially Chris for attending to the front of the house. Your efforts made the festival run smoothly.
Thank you to Tyler for all of the tireless and unending design work which elevated our branding and social media outreach.
Thank you to David for the guidance, mentorship, and support without which this festival would have been a lesser affair.
Thank you to Jon Forshee without whom this festival would never have happened. Your partnership, never ending support, and hard work made the festival more awesome than I could have imagined.
And finally thank you to all of the members who came out to perform and those that came out just to support. This is an awesome community, and I know the next festival will be even greater because of you.

– Mike Berry


Day 1

Saturday, April 13th

9:30AM Intros & Announcements
Soundwalk: Jane Rigler + Jon Forshee
Outdoors // All day
Sound Exhibit:
Human Drum Machine: a movement-sound installation
Yvonne Wu
Shepard Studio // All day

Modular Morning + Q&A

10AM – 12PM // Margot Lane Studio
Zrong Zrong • Metamyther • John M. Mueller • theredside • E_J_R_M • Rayonism

Lectures & Presentations

12PM – 2PM
Magnetic Tape and Electronic Music: History, Concepts and Techniques
60 min. // Margot Lane Studio


Intro to modular synthesis featuring VCV Rack
60 min. // Margot Lane Studio


“Clinically Designed Improvisatory Music”
Session – for traumatic grief
Clara Takarabe
60 min. // Overlook Dance Studio
Bring mats/blankets/pillows

Electroacoustic Excursions & Experiments

2PM – 4PM // Margot Lane Studio
John Mallia • John Rot • Taeron Waring • Reiner Kramer • Jonathan Hays • Jadon Cruzan • JJ Maynell • Cooper Gorospe + Josh Abernathy • Michael Miller • Derek Keller • Echo Vocation • Jerry Godwin • PULSAR3K

Workshops + Presentations

4PM – 6:30PM
The State of Music in Healthcare
Clara Takarabe & Jane Rigler
120 min. // Margot Lane Studio
Expand and Innovate Your Drums
60 min. // Control Room

Special Guest Performances

7:30PM – 9:30PM // Chapman Hall

Sarah Belle Reid

Glen Whitehead

Karnblack + John Forshee

CMSS After Party

10:30PM – 1AM // Bar-K
124 E Costilla St, Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Metamyther • ZrongZrong • DJ Wise • Sine Mountain • Jacob Porter • The Red Side • Soundwrecker

Day 2

Sunday, April 14th


10AM – 12PM // Margot Lane Studio
Andrew Alvey “NOIZ IMPROV”
Benjamin Boretz “Group Variations”
Hunter Marino “Harmonizing Whiskers”
Chris Swanson “New Piece”
JJ Maynell  “Smoke Signal”
Austin Ashmore “The Triple Threat”
–brief intermission–
Advita Bhatia “Symbiotic Synthesis”
Ben Bezjak “Shocking the Sand”
Jon Forshee “Autumn Choate”
Levi Pacione “Chiptune->Electrified”

Workshops + Presentations

12PM – 2PM
MIDI for visuals, lights, and internet connected devices
Sun W0rship
60 min. // Margot Lane Studio
Arturia Pigments Demo + door prize
30 min. // Margot Lane Studio
Developing synthesizers using Daisy platform
Nick Donaldson, Infrasonic Audio
120 min. // Conference Rm 226

CMSS Afternoon
performances + Q&A

2PM – 4PM // Margot Lane Studio
Tell Your God to Ready For Blood • The Rabbit • OnPrem • MPW • Jacob Porter • Compligtd • Vonslayger

Special Guest Performances

5PM – 7PM // Chapman Hall
Jane Rigler
Tim Hoffman• Jerry Godwin • Sine Mountain •
El Roachy • Jon Forshee + Kelly Zuercher

Closing Remarks

by John Forshee & Mike Berry
7PM – 7:30PM // Margot Lane Studio

Event Details

Electrowave, the Rocky Mountain Electronic Music Festival is a weekend celebration of electronic music, electronic musical instruments and above all performers, composers and facilitators of electronic and electroacoustic music. The festival features a series of concerts, installations, talks, workshops and presentations, gathering together a broad spectrum of experimental music-makers from across the Rocky Mountains and beyond to perform, share, experience and discuss the many vibrant trends in electronic music performance today.

Conceived as a collaboration between the Colorado Modular Synth Society (CMSS) and the UCCS Department of Music, the Electrowave festival seeks to connect and inspire electronic musicians across the many music-making communities of the region, and to introduce recent musical innovations (and inventions) to a broader listening public.

Electrowave 2024 includes a Synthesizer Petting Zoo, improvised laptop performances, electronic instrumental ensembles, a selection of modular synth video works, electronic works involving live performers, sound installations, an outdoor Soundwalk and more.

ORDER BY FEB 27! Get the size you want of the new CMSS Sweatshirt!

Pick ups will at CMSS Happy Hour and Freq Boutiques. Shipping on request.

Join Us This Saturday for CMSS Meetup at 2 PM at DU!

Meet Manufacturers, check out the synth petting zoo and buy modules.